Monday 7 March 2022


1.   Taxonomic Hierarchy

“This sequential placement of more than one taxa one above the other or one inclusive of the other is known as Taxonomic Hierarchy”.

Taxonomic hierarchy was introduced by Carolus Linnaeus. It is the arrangement of various taxonomic levels in descending order starting from kingdom up to species.

1.     Species; is the lowest of classification and shows the high level of similarities among the organisms. For example, Helianthus annuus and Helianthus tuberosus. These two species differ in their morphology. Both of them are herbs but Helianthus tuberosus is a perennial herb.

2.     Genus; consist of multiple species which have similar characters but differ from the species of another genus. Example: HelianthusTridax.

3.     Family;  comprises a number of genera which share some similarities among them. Example: Asteraceae.

4.     Order;  includes group of families which show less similarities among them.

5.     Class;  consists of group of orders which share few similarities.

6.     Division; is the next level of classification that consists of number of classes.

   Example: Magnoliophyta.

7.     Kingdom;  is the highest level or rank of the classification. Example: Plantae

These categories represent the rank to which taxa are assigned. These taxa are (in ascending order): Species; Genus; Family; Order; Class; Division; Kingdom; and/or even a Domain.  This hierarchy principally helps us to avoid chaos. There are thousands of organisms which have to be classified.  Main ranks: Categorisation helps in providing homogeneity to the various systems of classification.

Salient features of structure of Taxonomical Hierarchy

· A taxonomical hierarchy consists of a number of categories.

· A category is an abstract concept.

· A group of plants are assigned to such categories for the purpose of classification.

· The categories are employed in a conventional order which must be strictly adhered to.

· The level at which a category stands in the hierarchy is known as rank.

· The group of plants themselves are known as taxa (singular : taxon). · The taxa




2.   Plant identification (Traditional  keys)

“Keys are devices consisting of series of contrasting statements requiring the identifier to make comparison and decision based on statements of the key as related to the material to be identified”.

A key is device which when properly constructed and used enables a user to identify an organism.

There are two types of taxonomic Keys:

1.              Dichotomous keys

2.              Polyclave or multiaccess or synoptic key

1.              Dichotomous keys:

          The most common type of key is a dichotomous key. It consists of a sequence of two contrasting statements. A pair of contrasting statements is known as couplet. Each statement is known as lead. 

The plant is correctly identified with keys by narrowing down the characters found in plant. In constructing a key, contrasting characters are chosen that divide the full set of possible species into smaller and smaller groups i.e. the statements typically begin with broad characteristics and become narrower as more choices are required.

Types of Dichotomous keys: There are two types of Dichotomous keys. They differ in the method by which the couplets are organized and how the user is directed to successive choices.


1. Indented Keys (also called yoked) :Indents the choices (leads) of the couplet an equal distance from the left margin. The user goes to the next indented couplet following the lead that was selected.

2. Bracketed Keys: Provides both choices side-by-side. The choices of the couplet must be numbered (or lettered). It is very helpful if the previous couplet is given. This key has exactly the same choices as the first example. The choices are separated. But it is easy to see the relationships. While this key might be more difficult to construct, it gives more information to the user.


An illustration of four leaves and a dichotomous key are provided.  Use the dichotomous key to identify which of the leaves is from the magnolia tree. - ProProfs

2.           Polyclave or Multi-entry key. It consists of a list of numerous character states. The user selects all states that match the specimen. Polyclave keys are implemented by a computer algorithm.


3.           Herbarium

“ Herbaria are store houses of preserved plant collections”. Plants are preserved in the form of pressed and dried specimens mounted on a sheet of paper. Herbaria act as a centre for research and function as sources of material for systematic work.

Preparation of herbarium Specimen

          Herbarium Specimen is defined as a pressed and dried plant sample that is permanently glued or strapped to a sheet of paper along with a documentation label.

Preparation of herbarium specimen includes the following steps.

1.        Plant collection: Field collection, Liquid preserved collection, Living collection, Collection for molecular studies.

2.        Documentation of field site data

3.        Preparation of plant specimen

4.        Mounting herbarium specimen

5.        Herbarium labels.

6.        Protection of herbarium sheets against mold and insects

International Herbarium

 National Herbarium

Uses of Herbarium

1.        Herbarium provides resource material for systematic research and studies.

2.        It is a place for orderly arrangement of voucher specimens.

3.        Voucher specimen serves as a reference for comparing doubtful newly collected fresh                                                                                                 specimens.

4.        Voucher specimens play a role in studies like floristic diversity, environmental assessment, ecological mechanisms and survey of unexplored areas.

5.        Herbarium provides opportunity for documenting biodiversity and studies related to the field of ecology and conservation biology.



4.            Floras

‘Flora is the document of all plant species in a given geographic area. Flora consists of total number of plant species in an area and gives information about flowering season, fruiting season and distribution for the given geographic area.

It also provides details on rare and endemic species of that area. Example: Flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic by K.M.Matthew. Floras are categorized based on the scope and area covered.

1.Local Flora :It covers the limited areas, usually state, country, city or mountain range. Example: ‘Flora of Thiruvannamalai District’ by R. Vijaysankar, K. Ravikumar and P. Ravichandran.

2.Regional Flora: It includes large geographical area or a botanical region. Example: ‘Flora of Tamil Nadu’ Carnatic by K.M.Matthew (1983), ‘Flora of Madras Presidency’ by J.S. Gamble and Fischer.

3.Continental Flora: This flora covers the entire continent.

                                Example: ‘Flora of Europaea’ by D.A.Web.

4.Electronic Floras (e - floras): It is nothing but the digitized form of a flora published online. Example: ‘e – Flora China’. This provides the information and also functions as an identification tool.


5.          Botanical gardens

Botanical gardens are institutions holding documented collections of living plants for the purpose of scientific research, conservation, display and education. In 2018, BGCI updated the criteria that define a botanic garden to have a greater emphasis on conserving rare and threatened plants, compliance with international policies and sustainability and ethical initiatives.

Gardens and the cultivation of plants have been around for thousands of years with the first examples dating to around 3,000 years ago in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. 

For the purpose of science and education the first garden was maintained by Theophrastus in his public lecture hall at Athens.

First modern botanical garden was established by Luca Ghini (1490-1556) a professor of Botany at Pisa, Italy in 1544.

Botanical garden contains special plant collections such as cacti, succulent, green house, shade house, tropical, alpine and exotic plants. Worldwide there are about 1800 botanical gardens and arboreta.

Role of Botanical Garden: Botanical Gardens play the following important roles.

1.        Gardens with aesthetic value which attract a large number of visitors. For example, the Great Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis) in the Indian Botanical Garden at Kolkata.

2.        Gardens have a wide range of species and supply taxonomic material for botanical research.

3.        Garden is used for self-instruction or demonstration purposes.

4.        It can integrate information of diverse fields like Anatomy, Embryology, Phytochemistry, Cytology, Physiology and Ecology.

5.        Act as a conservation centre for diversity, rare and endangered species.

6.        It offers annual list of available species and a free exchange of seeds.

7.        Botanical garden gives information about method of propagation, sale of plant material to the general public.



1.     Botanic Gardens also play a very impor­tant role in maintaining germ-plasm bank of different plants and act as a depository of ‘extinct’ and ‘endangered’ plants.

2.     Botanic Gardens play an important role in the ex situ conservation of plant species.

Royal Botanic garden, Kew- England: Royal Botanic garden Kew- England is a non- departmental public body in the United Kingdom. It is the largest botanical garden in the world, established in 1760, but officially opened in the year 1841.

Botanic Gardens of India:

1. Indian Botanic Garden, Sibpur, Kolkata (1787).

2. Lloyd Botanic Garden, Darjeeling, West Bengal (1878).

3. National Botanic Garden, Lucknow (1946).

4. The Mysore State Botanic Garden, Bangalore, Karnataka (1856).

5. Garden of the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Doon (1934).



6.             International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)

Assigning name for a plant is known as Nomenclature. This is based on the rules and recommendations of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. ICBN deals with the names of existing (living) and extinct (fossil) organisms.

The elementary rule of naming of plants was first proposed by Linnaeus in 1737 and 1751 in his Philosophia Botanica. In 1813 a detailed set of rules regarding plant nomenclature was given by A.P. de Candolle in his famous work “Theorie elementaire de la botanique”. Then the present ICBN was evolved by following the same rules of Linnaeus, A.P. de Candolle and his son Alphonse de Candolle.

ICBN due to specific reasons and in order to separate plant kingdom from other organisms, is redesignated as ICN. The International Botanical Congress held in Melbourne in July 2011 brought this change. The ICN stands for International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants

ICN Principles

International Code of Nomenclature is based on the following six principles

1.        Botanical nomenclature is independent of zoological and bacteriological nomenclature.

2.        Application of names of taxonomic group is determined by means of nomenclatural types.

3.        Nomenclature of a taxonomic group is based on priority of publication.

4.        Each taxonomic group with a particular circumscription, position and rank can bear only one correct name, the earliest that is in accordance with the rules except in specified cases.

5. Scientific names of taxonomic groups are treated as Latin regardless of their derivation.

6.        The rules of nomenclature are retroactive unless expressly limited.

Codes of Nomenclature

ICN has formulated a set of rules and recommendations dealing with the botanical name of plants. International Botanical Congress is held at different places every six years. Proposals for nomenclatural changes and changes in rules are discussed and implemented. Changes are published in their website.

18th International Botanical Congress held in 2011at Melbourne, Australia made the following major changes.

1.        The code now permits electronic publication of names of new taxa.

2.        Latin diagnosis or description is not mandatory and permits the use of English or Latin for the publication of a new name (Art-39).

3.        “One fungus, one name” and “one fossil one name” are important changes, the concept of anamorph and telomorph (for fungi) and morphotaxa (for fossils) have been eliminated. (Previously, sexual and asexual stages of the fungus/ fossils were provided with different names).

Anamorph – Asexual reproductive stage of fungus.

Telomorph – Sexual reproductive stage of fungus.

4. As an experiment with “registration of names” new fungal descriptions require the use of an identifier from a “recognized repository”. There are two recognized repositories Index fungorum and Myco Bank.

19th International Botanical Congress was held in Shenzhen in China in 2017. Changes accepted by International Botanical Congress are yet to be published.

Vernacular names (Common names)

Vernacular names are known as common names. They are very often descriptive and poetic references to plants. Common name refer to more than one plant or many plants may have same common name. These names are regional or local and are not universal. Example: Albizia amara . L belongs to Mimosaceae is called as Usilai in South Tamilnadu and Thurinji in North Tamilnadu.

Scientific Names / Botanical Names

Each and every taxon as per the ICN (species, genus, family etc) can have only one correct scientific name. Scientific name of a species is always a binomial. These names are universally applied. Example: Oryza sativa L. is the scientific name of paddy.


Polynomial is a descriptive phrase of a plant. Example: Ranunculus calycibus retroflexis pedunculis falcatis caule erecto folius compositisIt means butter cup with reflexed sepals, curved flower stalks, erect stem and compound leaves. Polynomial system did not hold good as it was cumbersome to remember and use. Polynomial system of naming a plant is replaced by a binomial system by Linnaeus.


Binomial nomenclature was first introduced by Gaspard Bauhin and it was implemented by Carolus Linnaeus. Scientific name of a species consists of two words and according to binomial nomenclature, the first one is called genus name and second one is specific epithet. Example: Mangifera indica. Mangifera is a genus name and indica is specific epithet. This system is in vogue even now.

Author citation

This refers to valid name of the taxa accompanied by the author’s name who published the name validly. Example: Solanum nigrum L. There are two types of author citation.

Single author: When a single author proposed a valid name, the name of the author alone is accompanied by his abbreviated name. Example: Pithecellobium cinereum Benth.

Multiple authors: When two or more authors are associated with a valid publication of name, their names should be noted with the help of Latin word et or &.

Example: Delphinium viscosum Hook. f. et Thomson.

Standard form of author’s abbreviations has to be followed.



7.           Application of Plant systematics

Plant systematic has great importance for the study of botany:

1.      It is used to describe different species. The description of each new species is preserved. It is used for comparison.

2.     Plant systematic is used to name different plants. It sets rule for nomenclature. ,This nomenclature has eliminated   the confusion among different botanists. Now knowledge of plants can be shared between botanists of different countries without problem of language and culture.

3.     Plant systematic develops evolutionary relationship among the different groups of plants. It gives evolutionary trends among the plants.

4.     Plant systematic provides basis kw the comparison of morphological, anatomical and cytological structures among different structures.

5.     Plant systematic also provides basis of genetics. Genetic analysis are performed on the basis of systematic,

6.     Plant systematic has great importance in agriculture and herbal medicines. It provides us economic importance of different plants.


8.              Typification (or)Type concept

            Typification (Art. 7-9) A nomenclatural type (typus) is that element to which the name of a taxon is permanently attached, whether as the correct name or as a synonym.

ICN’s second principle states that a specimen must be associated with the scientific name known as nomenclatural type. A nomenclatural type is either a specimen or may be an illustration. Example: Herbarium sheet for vascular plants.

There are different nomenclatural types.

a.        Holotype : A specimen or illustration originally cited by the author in protologue. It is a definitive reference source for identity. Citation of holotype and submission of it is one of the criteria for valid publication of a botanical name.

b.       Isotype: Duplicate specimen of the holotype collected from same population by same person on same date with same field number. They are the reliable duplicates of holotype and may be distributed to various herbaria of various regions.

c.        Lectotype: Specimen selected from original material serves as a type, when no holotype was designated at the time of publications or if holotype is missing or destroyed.

d.       Syntype: When more than one specimen cited by the author in the protologue without designating holotype.

e.        Neotype: Specimen derived from non-original collection selected as the type, when original specimen is missing or destroyed.

f.        Paratype: Specimen cited in the protologue is other than holotype, isotype or syntype.

g.       Epitype: Specimen or illustration serves as an interpretive type, when holotype, neotype or lectotype is ambiguous.


9.   Phytochemisty/ Plant Chemotaxonomy  relation in taxanomy

Plant Chemotaxonomy is one of the more fashionable and rapidly extending areas of plant taxonomy that seeks to utilize chemical information to improve classification of plants.

The potential importance of chemical evidence in taxonomy was suggested by a number of early taxonomists, i.e. Decandolle, Hoffman, Hallier and Molisch .

Chemical characters used in Taxonomy

The chemical characteristics of plants can be categorized as:

1.     Starch, raphides, cystoliths, silica etc

2.     Secondary metabolites, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids etc

3.     Protein analyses

1.    Starch: Starch are the commonest chemical substances which can be easily identified.

For examples:

· Acentric starch = Solanaceae (Solanum tuberosum)

· Metacentric (simple) starch = Fabaceae (Cicer arietinum, Pisum sativum)

· Metacentric (compound) starch – Poaceae (Oryza sativa, Triticum aestivum)

2.    Raphides: They are calcium oxalate. The granules of calcium oxalates may occur singly or in groups. After Sectioning they can be observed under microscope. Raphides are not common in all families, rather in a limited number, say for examples, they are found around 35 angiosperm families, including Araceae, Palmae, Orchidaceae, Typhaceae, Rubiaceae, Vitaceae. No raphide is found in the primitive families of monocots.

3.    Cystolith: These are the granules of Calcium carbonate which are found in leaf below the epidermis. Some cells of hypodermis become larger where the granules of CaCO3 are found (look like a bunch of grapes). Cystoliths are found in the families Acanthaceae, Moraceae etc. The genus Ficus under Moraceae is very distinct by presence of Cystolith.

4.    Silica: They are produced through different metabolic processes. They are somehow significant to characterize different families, for example, Conical shapes of cystolith is a characteristic of the family Cyperaceae, while dumb-bell or saddle shapes silica are found in Bambusoideae subfamily of Poaceae. Different palms can be distinguished based on different shapes of silica.


Although in theory all the chemical constituents of a plant are potentially valuable to a taxonomists, in practice, some sorts of molecules are far more valuable than others.

Apart from inorganic compounds (which are of little use relatively), three broad categories of compounds are recognized.

These are:

i.      Primary metabolites

ii.      Secondary metabolites

iii.     Semantides

i.    Primary metabolites

Primary metabolites are parts of vital metabolic pathways, and most of them are universal occurrence, or at least occur in a very wide range of plants.

Aconitic acids (first isolated from Aconitum) and Citric acid (from Curs) are present in all aerobic organisms. Presence or absence of such compounds have not much taxonomic value. However, in some cases the quantities of such metabolites vary considerably between taxa, can be taxonomically useful.

ii.     Secondary Metabolites

The chemical substances which have been found very useful in taxonomy are secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites (secondary plant products) perform non-vital (or at least non- universally vital) functions, and are less widespread in plants. The restricted occurrence of these metabolites among plants renders them valuable as taxonomic information.

Secondary plant products are largely waste substances, food stores, pigments, poisons, scents, structural units or water repellents, etc.

The most well-known groups of secondary metabolites are phenolic compounds, alkaloids, glucosinolates, amino acids, terpenoids, oils and waxes, and carbohydrates.

Ex. Alkaloids

Alkaloids are nitrogen based chemical compounds which are found in different plant groups. Some alkaloids are very specific, for instance –

·       Morphine – only in Papaver somniferum (Papaveraceae) and this alkaloid is not found in any other species. That means Papaver somniferum can easily be identified by presence of morphine.

·       Serpentine – Rauwolfia serpentina.

·       Aconitine – Aconitum napellus (Ranunculaceae) .


Semantides are information-carrying molecules. Semantides provide taxonomic data not on the basis of presence or absence, but in terms of sequences, ratios or percentages,.

Semantides are of three types, viz.,

· Primary semantide – DNA

· Secondary semantide- RNA

· Tertiary semantides – Proteins

Protein taxonomy are divisible into three main headings: a) electrophoresis, b) Serology, c) amino acid sequencing.



10. Molecular taxonomy (molecular systematics / molecular phylogenetics)

Molecular Taxonomy is the branch of phylogeny that analyses hereditary molecular differences, mainly in DNA sequences, to gain information and to establish genetic relationship between the members of different taxonomic categories. The advent of DNA cloning and sequencing methods have contributed immensely to the development of molecular taxonomy and  population genetics over the years. These modern methods have revolutionised the field of molecular taxonomy and population genetics with improved analytical power and precision. 

Molecular Markers

Allozyme electrophoresis is a method which can identify genetic variation at the level of enzymes that are directly encoded by DNA.

1.Mitochondrial DNA markers are non- nuclear DNA located within organelles in the cytoplasm called mitochondria. The entire genome undergoes transcription as one single unit. They are not subjected to recombination and thus they are homologous markers.

2.Microsatellite is a simple DNA sequence which is repeated several times across various points in the DNA of an organism. These (usually 2-5) repeats are highly variable and these loci can be used as markers. (Example: TGTGTG, in which two base pairs repeat, the region are termed tandem repeat.)

3.Single nucleotide polymorphisms arise due to single nucleotide substitutions (transitions/transversions) or single nucleotide insertions/deletions. SNPs are the most abundant polymorphisms in the genome (coding and non-coding) of any organism. These single nucleotide variants can be detected using PCR, microchip arrays or fluorescence technology.

4. DNA microarray or DNA chip consists of small glass microscope slides, silicon chip or nylon membranes with many immobilized DNA fragments arranged in a standard pattern. A DNA microarray can be utilized as a medium for matching a reporter probe of known sequence against the DNA isolated from the target sample which is of unknown origin. Species-specific DNA sequences could be incorporated to a DNA microarray and this could be used for identification purposes. 

5. Arbitrary markers are sometimes used to target a segment of DNA of unknown function. The widely used methods of amplifying unknown regions are RAPD and AFLP DNA.

6. Specific Nuclear DNA markers: Variable Number of Tandem Repeat is a segment of DNA that is repeated tens or even hundreds to thousands of times in nuclear genome. They repeat in tandem; vary in number in different loci and differently in individuals. There are two main classes of repetitive and highly polymorphic DNA viz. minisatellite DNA referring to genetic loci with repeats of length 9-65 bp and microsatellite DNA with repeats of 2-8 bp (1-6) long. Microsatellites are much more numerous in the genome of vertebrates than minisatellites.

The results of a molecular phylogenetic analysis are expressed in the form of a tree called phylogenetic tree. Different molecular markers like allozymes, mitochondrial DNA, micro satellites, RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), RAPD (Random amplified polymorphic DNA), AFLPs (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism), single nucleotide polymorphism- SNP, microchips or arrays are used in analysis.

Uses of molecular taxonomy

1. Molecular taxonomy helps in establishing the relationship of different plant groups at DNA level.

2.  It unlocks the treasure chest of information on evolutionary history of organisms.

3.   DNA taxonomy plays a vital role in phytogeography, which ultimately helps in genome mapping and biodiversity conservation.

4.   DNA- based molecular markers used for designing DNA based molecular probes, have also been developed under the branch of molecular systematics.


RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)

RFLPs is a molecular method of genetic analysis that allows identification of taxa based on unique patterns of restriction sites in specific regions of DNA. It refers to differences between taxa in restriction sites and therefore the lengths of fragments of DNA following cleavage with restriction enzymes.

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)

This method is similar to that of identifying RFLPs in that a restriction enzyme is used to cut DNA into numerous smaller pieces, each of which terminates in a characteristic nucleotide sequence due to the action of restriction enzymes.

AFLP is largely used for population genetics studies, but has been used in studies of closely related species and even in some cases, for higher level cladistic analysis.

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

It is a method to identify genetic markers using a randomly synthesized primer that will anneal (recombine (DNA) in the double stranded form) to complementary regions located in various locations of isolated DNA. If another complementary site is present on the opposing DNA strand at a distance that is not too great (within the limits of PCR) then the reaction will amplify this region of DNA.

RAPDs like microsatellites may often be used for genetic studies within species but may also be successfully employed in phylogenetic studies to address relationships within a species or between closely related species. However RAPD analysis has the major disadvantage that results are difficult to replicate and in that the homology of similar bands in different taxa may be nuclear.

Significance of Molecular Taxonomy

1. It helps to identify a very large number of species of plants and animals by the use of   conserved molecular sequences.

2. Using DNA data evolutionary patterns of biodiversity are now investigated.

3. DNA taxonomy plays a vital role in phytogeography, which ultimately helps in genome mapping and biodiversity conservation.

4.  DNA- based molecular markers used for designing DNA based molecular probes, have also been developed under the branch of molecular systematics.