Tuesday 4 October 2016

Plant collection for degree student (Bot-III)

List of consumption plants
1. Allium cepa
2. Lactuca sativa
3. Lycoperiscan esculentum
4.Solanum melangena
5. Cucumis sativas
6. Zea mays
7. Oryza sativum
8. Sorhum vulgare
10. Cajaus cajan
11. Titricum
12. Phaseolies auicus
13. Mangifera indica
14. Citrus sps
15. Psidium guava
List of Spices
1. Zingiber officinalis
2. Allium sativum
3. Syzygium aromaticum
4. Curcuma longa, etc..,
List of ornamental plants
1. Croton sps
2. Marie gold
3. Jasmine other sps
4.  Hibiscus
5. Money plant
6. Rose
7. Bougainvillea
8. Ferns, etc..
List of Medicinal plants:
1. Amla
2. Tulasi
3. Bael/ bilva
4. Aloe vera
5. Bringaraj
6. Terminalia chebula
7. Neem
8. Piper nigram
9. Tinospora
10. Rawolfia..etc.
List of other plants
1. Cotton
2. Teak
3. Bamboo
4. Ficus
5. Pongamia
6. Jatropa, etc..,
Note: Prepare minimum 20 plants sps in each section like as food plants, medicinal, ornamental/ aesthitical, economical, etc. mustly.


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