Wednesday 5 July 2017


UNIT –I : CELL BIOLOGY:                                                                                                                               (22 hrs)
Hours      Topic -1:  Cell wall-- (4hr)
1.       Introduction to plant cell envelops    
2.       Ultra structure of cell wall
3.       organization of cell membrane
4.       Plasma membrane
Topic-2: Nucleus –(4hr)
5.       Ultrastructure of Nucleus
6.       Structure of Nucelus
7.       Replication  of DNA
8.       Types & functions of RNA
Topic-3:- Chromosome—(5hr)
9.       Introduction & Morphology
10.   Organization of DNA in chromosome (ultrastructure )
11.   Organization of DNA in chromosome (models)
12.   Echromatin & hetero chromatin
13.   Karyotype
Topic-4 : Special type of chromosome –(3hrs)
14.   Introduction
15.    lampbrush chromosome
16.   Polytene & B- chromosome
Topic -5: Cell Division:- 5hrs
17.   Introduction of cell division
18.   Cell cycle
19.   Regulation
20.   Mitosis
21.   Meiosis & singnficance

UNIT – II:  GENETICS                                                                         22 hr
Topic -6: mendalism—5hr
22.   Law of inheritance
23.   Genetic interactions  -
24.   Complementary & supplementary genes
25.   lethal genes
26.    epistasis

Topic-7 : linkage & crossing over—4hr
27.   Introduction & brief account
28.   Construction of genetic map
29.   Two point test cross
30.   Three point test cross
Topic-8: Mutations—(6hrs)
31.   Introduction about mutations
32.   Chromosome aberrations  
33.   Structural changes
34.   Numerical changes
35.   Gene mutations
36.   Transposable elements
Topic-9: Gene Expression –5hrs
37.   Introduction
38.   Organization of gene
39.   Transcription& mechanism
40.   Translation & mechanism
41.   Gene regulation
Topic-10: Extra Nuclear Genome—2hrs
42.   Chloroplast DNA
43.   Mitochondrial & Plasmid DNA
UNIT – III : ECOLOGY                                                                      (28 HRS)
Topic-11 : Ecosystem –7hrs
45.   Concepts & component of ecology
46.   Energy flow
47.   Food chain & food web
48.   Ecological pyramids
49.   Bio geochemical cycles (carbon)
50.   Nitrogen cycle
51.   Phosphorous cycle
Topic-12 : Plant & Environment :-- 7hrs
52.   Introduction 
53.   Ecological factor
54.   Light factor
55.   Temperature factor
56.   Edaphic factor
57.   Biotic Factor
58.   Ecological adaptation of plants
Topic : Population Ecology—3hrs
59.   Natality & mortality
60.   Growth curves
61.   Ecotypes
Topic -13: Community Ecology---6hr
62.   Introduction
63.   Frequency, density,
64.   cover life
65.   Biological spectrum
66.   Ecological  succession & hydrosere
67.   Xerosere
Topic-14 : Production Ecology –5hrs
68.   Introducution & Concept of productivity
69.   GPP, NPP
70.   CR( Community Respiration)
71.   Primary productivity measurement
72.   P/R ratio

UNIT – IV : BIODIVERSITY & CONSERVATION                                      18 HRS
Topic -15: Biodiversity –6hrs
73.   Introduction &  Concept
74.   Conservation of biodiversity
75.   Earth summit
76.   Convention of biodiversity
77.   Types o f Biodiversity
78.   Value of biodiversity
Topic-16 : Hot Spots –12hrs
79.   Introduction
80.   India as a Mega biodersity
81.   North Eastern Himalayas
82.   Western  Ghats
83.   Principle of conservation
84.   IUCN threantend categories
85.   Red Data Book
86.   Endangered plants
87.   Threatened species
88.   Role of international organization in conservation-
89.   IUCN, UNEP
  Paper- III :Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology and Biodiversity
Practical Syllabus
I. Major Experiments------------------------------------------------------------------------------3x7=21 hrs                                                                                                                                                                                            
1.       Demonstration of cytochemical methods: Fixation of plant material and nuclear staining
      for mitotic and meiotic studies.                                                         
2.   Study of various stages of mitosis using cytological preparations of onion root tips.                   
3.   Study of various stages of meiosis using cytological preparation of onion flower buds              
4.   Study of plant community by quadrate method                                                                                         
5.   Estimation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in a given water sample
6. Estimation of O2 in given water samples                                                                                                                          
7. Estimation of chlorides in given water samples                                             

II. Minor Experiments-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2x3=6hr                              
8.   Karyotype study using cytological preparation of dividing root tip cells of onion/photographs/permanent slides                                                                                                                 
9.   Solving genetic problems related to monohybrid, dihybrid ratio and interaction of genes       
      (Minimum of six problems in each topic). See annexure
10.   Demonstration of soil texture (composition of clay, sand silt etc.) pH.                                                           
11. Estimation of water purity in given water samples                                                                                    
III. Scientific Observations                          ---------------------------------------------------------3hrs
12. Study in the ultra structure of cell organelles using electron microphotographs            .                              
13. Geographical spotting of certain endemic and endangered plant species of A.P.                        
14. Minimum of two field visits to local areas of ecological/ conservation of biodiversity                                
      Importance (Sacred grove/ Reserved Forest / Botanical garden/ Lakes etc.)

IV. Critical notes on spotters of scientific interest--------------------------------------------3hrs                                                                                                                                        
15. Salivary gland chromosome
16. Lampbrush chromosome
17. Solenoid model of chromosome structure
18. Operon model
19. Mirabilis jalapa
20. Eichhornia
21. Hydrilla
22. Pistia
23. Nymphaea
24. Vallisnaria
25. Asperagus
26. Opuntia
27. Euphorbia antiquorum
28. Rhizophora
29. Avecenia

V.  Plant Collection from BotanicalTour                                                                                               
VI. Record                                      
                                                                                                DEPT. OF BOTANY , VVDC                                   

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